3 Reasons Why Scenic Paint Outperforms Hardware Store Paint On Stage
Rebecca Grazi is a Connecticut-based artist specializing in portraiture and scenic painting.Having previously relied on hardware store paint to create her scenery, Rebecca instantly noticed the advantages of using Off Broadway to create the scenery for CT Ballet.
Why Artist Ed Reynolds Believes Rosco Supersat Is The Best Mural Paint
Ed Reynolds is a specialist painter, muralist, illustrator, and caricaturist based in Belfast. He is renowned for creating a series of public murals that memorialize Northern Ireland’s people and historical events. Ed shares details about his artistic process and why he prefers using Rosco Supersat Scenic Paint to paint his murals.
Creating Realistic Themed Scenery & Props Using Rosco Supersat Paints
Becca Spall is a London-based scenic artist and propmaker who works for the Merlin Entertainments Studios. Becca shared her thoughts about using Rosco Supersat Paints– including some scenic painting tips.